Sunday, June 26, 2011

How you get from a 5K run to a 6K run ...a conversation with myself :-)

6.30 am..... Mind(M) - Oh shit .....y did u put the alarm for 5 never get up at 5 and then sleep late...6 am would have been so realistic.
Heart(H) -too late to go for a run now...let me just sleep in ...
M -no no - get up its Ok we can still go  - do a short run but dont miss it .
H - oh come on....i dont want no no - its too late !! Cant run at 7am ..
M - get up get up - its ok ...a cup of black coffee will do the trick....
On the road now....
H - lets just do a short run. Yesterday was the first 5 K in ages , legs are still hurtin....lets just be happy that we did not miss it.
M-yeah that makes sense - lets just do a short run.
In the park now.....stretch your legs,adjust your watch.
Legs (L) - ooh i love this stretching but hey M & H - take it easy today ok - its late ,already 7 so even a 2K is good.
M&H - yeah yeah ..we get it.
L - hey dont go all sarci on us now.. we are the ones that need to do all the work !
"main kahoon to saala character dheela hai" H - ooh thats  a nice number - that Salman khan really knows how to move!"..Ok here we go Ls hope you are ready..
Ls- oh yeah this feels good - one step at a time....this is feeling good...
M - look at those fat women - walking like that aint gonna help sisters - run ,watch us go.
H - oh look at that - that awesome runner is some day we will be running like him - what does he do - like a 10K every day .. .hmmm....we will get there too maybe like in Sept.
Ls  - hey hey - now dont get any ideas ! sure we will get there but today its only 2K.and we are almost there......
"Hud Hud Dabang"
H - ooh cant stop on this number , come on Ls Salman will be insulted....!
M - yeah I agree -lets go ...only for this number.
Ls - guys guys come on .. oh ok  - this is a good song - ok only for salman...
Lungs (Lu's) - god this sports bra is tight..breathing is tough - why cant she get a larger size! all her extra weight seems to have filled up here....hello what ever happened to the 'even distribution' of weight!
M&H - hey guys dont blame us - u know how she excercises - its all running ...we do try to coax her to work out her upper body but she doesnt like it ! so all the action is down there and no scope for weight going down to that part of the body !
V ;-) - ahem....excuse me - before anyone gets any ideas....i aint getting any action !! they mean the LEGS !! I mean -  i deserve some action too - but not her! M&H - all your fault - u just dont let her!! oh well....
M- hey V depressing thoughts now ..and shhh...before the Ls find out - we are already at 4 k !! :-)
Ls - hey who u trying to fool - trust me we know and we want to STOP !! Now !! Now !! Now!!
"errrr...guys,guys,come on - stop it ...lets not give up,not yet - come on whats the point....after doing 4 21Ks this is nothing ...ok lets try and complete 1 more K !"
All together - who the F are you ? and y r u whispering...

"Umm I am her Spirit - i kinda have been a but low and hurt ...just getting back into shape!"
H - OMG !! Hello S ! Where have you been ! We have really missed u - u do look a little pale and sick to me ... hope u r Ok ?
M - Well S grows in strength as she acheives more the more we run , the more S shines and sparkles !
L's & Lu's - excuse us for stepping in - what do u mean WE ?? Its US - the Ls and Lu's that are doing all the hard work ....and we are tired.
H -oh come on guys - guess what we have done 5K already ....and S is right -whats the point of resting on our laurels - lets just go for ONE MORE K ....lets do it for "S" - she needs our help to get better !
Ls and Lu's - no no ! its too difficult !
"Pyaar to hona hi tha" ..
H & S - what an awesome number - oh come on ! we have to run to this ... come on Ls - lets pick up the pace ..we can do it !
L's - we are so gonna regret it later today but what the hell ...well  guess we can so here goes.... one step at a time .....on and on and on !
OMG - we did it ... 6.25Ks.....did it did it did it !!
H - i am so flushed ,this was a great workout
Ls -we feel so good....and tired !
Lus - the bra still hurts but what the hell - loads of fresh air...the best breakfast ever !
M- hmmm... i am wondering if we can do a 7K tomorrow?
S - i feel 50% there !this is awesome ! lets go get that brownie - well deserved!
And that is how we do a 6K!!